Innlegg: AWAN meets Samsaya & Marie Noreger

AWAN meets Samsaya & Marie Noreger
We’re proud to announce our new drop together with the artists Samsaya and Marie Noreger. With their free artistic expressions and soulful approach to life and music, they truly embody the essence of liberated feminine.
Tell us what you love so much about singing and making music.
Samsaya: I think it’s the release of emotions and the feeling of uninhibitedness in singing that I love the most about making music. It’s definitely how I started and why I keep at it. The way my whole body feels lighter and softer by inhaling and exhaling in a natural flow. It’s quite addictive when you enter that zone of connection of just being and sining.
Marie: As a creative it’s really just my way of expressing myself. It’s one of the most freeing way of expressing myself and communicating. And I love the fact that there are really no rules.. I get to create my own rules or go by no rules.
What else you’re passionate about, Samsaya?
Samsaya: Life, more than ever. How it is so precious, wild and unpredictable all at once. And if we are willing to truly see it and experience it as it unfolds in this very moment. Being present is a new passion that I’ve always enjoyed but never really known that awareness in the moment is what that feeling was all along.

When do you feel like your most authentic self?
Samsaya: When I’m not thinking about how I’m being perceived, being honest and believing in my gut feeling so much so that I lean in and just create what ever needs to be crated in that moment.
Marie: In an environment that speaks to me... somewhere I feel comfortable and where I don’t have push my boundaries. Also just in my home, with my family or with my closest friends. But I mean, as long as I am true to myself I do feel authentic no matter what. It doesn’t really depends on the environment but it depends on how I’m treating myself and how I am inside of myself.
What do you do to relax and reconnect with yourself when life gets too hectic?
Marie: I make it really cozy around me, jump into something comfortable and watch my favourite tv shows.
Samsaya: I slow down and go within. I use a method called Donna Edens energy routine. It’s a great way to restore my energy and pay attention to the inner workings of my body. I’ve been doing it for over a year now and I really notice a difference in my spirit and over all health.
Marie, What inspires you to create?
Marie: Literally anything can inspire me! A random lady walking her dog in a park can inspire me to see a whole senario and story that I want to write about. Also just simple life stuff inspires me a lot. Stories.. what people go through and what people think.. what they know and what they believe in. I think this life is a really weird experience and once I start thinking about all sorts of small things that I usually ignore I get crazy inspired! I’m a daydreamer and a lot of ideas that comes from that!

What/who are you listening to at the moment, Samsaya?
Samsaya: Oh my gosh, everything! Literally speaking. From water flowing from the tap in the sink to the sound the wind makes when it flies through the leaves in the trees.
My listening experience has changed it’s like I’m hearing new things, noticing details and textures in the sounds around me that I haven’t thought about in-depth before.
I´ve also been listening a lot to Willow, Blood Orange and a cool new group from Norway called Flthy brgr grl.
What does it mean to you to be an unapologetic woman?
Marie: Being true to myself.. standing up for what I want and how I feel and to respect my boundaries. As I’m getting older I’m really starting to understand the importance of doing that.
Samsaya: To be myself to the fullest, in whatever form that takes. Wether that is being vulnerable and silent or loud and emotional. To except and love myself and not let societies norms or prejudice decide for me.
Samsaya, what’s your go-to-outfit?
Samsaya: Comfortable is queen, so I love wearing sneakers and loose tracks suit pants and flowing tops. Also I often find myself loving cultural contrasts. Wearing traditional Indian jewelry to jeans or streetwear.
What’s your go-to styling trick to make any outfit a Samsaya/Marie outfit?
Samsaya: I'm not sure it’s a styling trick but I love the rough and rugged against the smooth and flowing. I think it’s my contrast obsession. So I love wearing boots and sneakers to dresses and sandals or heals to pants. Also I’m a sucker for the comfort of socks. I'll often wear them in sandals or heals.
Marie: I think my jewelry.. my taurus neckless. That’s the most personal thing I’m wearing and without it I feel weird.
What’s your favourite AWAN piece, and what about the brand speaks the most to you?
Marie: My favourite piece would be the flow set, It is so cozy and I feel so nice it!! I’m drawn to the fact that AWAN is a sustainable clothing brand. I also love the simple designs and textile, I feel like it allows the body to speak for itself.
Samsaya: The flow pants and the wrap dress combined make me feel smooth like a ninja. So they are both definitely favorites. The timeless look really struck me and the versatility in the pieces. I’ve downsized the amount of things I have in my life, so my wardrobe needs to be flexible. Both when and how I can wear the pieces, but also how much wear and tear they can take. Thats what I really appreciate with AWAN.